UA-59049186-1 Shut Up, Manny Pacquiao - Good if it Goes

Shut Up, Manny Pacquiao

(Photo from here.)

Manny Pacquiao is running for Senate in the Phillipines and, for some reason, thought that saying this was a good idea:

“Do you see animals mating with the same sex? Animals are better because they can distinguish male from female.

“If men mate with men and women mate with women, they are worse than animals.”

Pacquiao has a history of opposing gay rights, but this took it to a whole new level. Nike dropped him, and they stuck by Tiger Woods after mistress after mistress came out of the woodwork, as well as all the dirty text messages, and even after multiple other companies dropped him, so the fact that they dropped Pacquiao should say something. Pacquiao later tweeted out an apology. After that, he put this on Instagram:


Highlighted is a Bible verse saying that homosexuals should be put to death. He would end up taking it down, but for Pete’s sake, how do you put that up in the first place? The guy just doesn’t get it. Look, I couldn’t possibly care less what religion anyone practices, or if they even practice one at all. But there’s being a Christian, and there’s being a jerk and Manny crossed that line long ago. Faith is one thing, Manny, but do you not have any common sense at all? How does one read a passage like that and think “Welp, it’s in the Bible, so it must be true?” And to think this guy wants to make laws for a country. It’s astounding. Good on Nike for dropping this clown. Hopefully, Timothy Bradley will do the same on April 9.

Twitter: @KSchroeder2325


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